Thursday, August 31, 2006

the taste of food 04

The Tea Bag fills with Love ...

my colleague brought some chinese tea to the office and shared with us.
Tea leaves were hand packed into little "delicate" sachets by her husband.
(as drinking that kind of tea would be good to her health, he prepared those little sachets so she could bring back to the office )...

i am touched...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

the taste of food 03

My First Cappuccino with homemade honey pound cake

Special thanks to madlo & lilian for teaching me how to brew a coffee, how to break the coffee machine and let all the grounded coffee "spattered" all over the kitchen....

the taste of food 02

My Fav. jap food...

havent been to my fav jap restaurant for a while.I miss the tuna steak rice...the tuna is so tender and fresh in which the fish oil is well preserved within the melts once you put it into your mouth...why the tuna steak is so good tonite..?it makes me think of a quote..someone says it is better to be in 70% full rather than in 100% full, leave a room to let the taste linger ...same as in food and in relationship... i guess

Saturday, August 26, 2006

the taste of food 01

The Happiness of Krispy Kreme
fianally got a chance to try the legendary donut in hk..
the first time was in uk..highly recommended by my friend..of course i really like it!!
i felt extremely excitied cos my colleagues could allow me to buy a dozen of donut back to the office and share with them ... (yes i hv a bad habit of buying lots of food at once,eat very little ,share with freinds or leave them aside, i enjoy the process of purchasing the food)
So great they all love it and provided me another chance to buy 2 dozens of krispy next time... life is too boring..sometimes, we need to add a little bit of "flavor" in it ...


今次旅程除了令我感受到西方社會對藝術發展的重視及尊重外 ,其中令我留下深刻印象的便是他們對大眾尤其是年青一代藝術教育的重視。

差不多每個大型展覽也設audio guided tour, 對藝術家背景、作品甚至影嚮他創作元素等資料大多從深入淺出的文字作介紹。令大小朋友們對展覽的認識很有幫助。如想得到較深入的資料,可到設在館內的書店購買展覽場邗和相關書藉,十分齊全。當然離不開「賣錢」的紀念品、明信片…



只能說香港是「不為也,不是不能也。」,「不為也」的原因離不開金錢、人力資源有限等等香港藝術發展的老生常談問題。不能只片面地說政府沒有足夠的支持,大眾甚至本地教育對欣賞和參與藝術的「氣候」也很微弱。當Hello Kitty進入展覽畫廊後才能吸引大眾走入美術館,這條路還有很長要走呢?

「不是不能也」,因為正在努力的大有人在,「藝術在醫院」便是其中的忠堅份子。 把藝術帶進冷冰冰的醫院,讓這裡的人透過參與、觀賞感受藝術的力量 。藝術教育和治療也是他們推廣的主要宗旨。

今天是第三次參與他們的活動,跟以住不同的是今次與他們一起繪畫,心情緊張又缺乏信心。雖然有經驗導師教導,但人數很多,亦需要輔助引導。繪畫是我從小最沒有信心的美術項目,心想,連自己也不能把小鳥小貓畫得神似,怎樣去引導他們呢?幸好經「阿熊」「大波」等人的指導下戰戰兢兢地作嘗試 (心裡想著連自己也沒有信心,怎可以令他們感受到呢?)。看到他們一步步小心翼翼地把顏料掃在畫布上,由初時的不知所措到放膽地下筆 ,不悄一會便漸漸地構成為一幅幅色彩繽紛的圖案。 漸漸地,我的信心也增強起來。是他們給了我信心……

我真的很想再次聽到在V&A露天噴水池廣場中央聽到小朋友們在參與暑期藝術活動時發出的歡笑聲 ,這一刻我被感動,是因為這是藝術教育所引發出的力量 。


its another work from Stella!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sick Leave

sick leave


absence due to illness: absence from work for reasons of illness


* the intrepretation of this term is changing in modern society especially in" office " culture.
when your colleague is on sick leave, which mean
(1) she/he like committed a serious crime and in a great escape.
(2) irresponsible person ie. somebody who behaves irresponsibly (cos she cant be reach by mobile phone, but doesnt know that her phone maybe out of battery, or in fact her/his body is so weak to pick up any call or she/he might caught in the car accident or etc ?)
(3) must be having a job interview

shall we think in another "humane" way:
sick leave means:
(1) it is a sign that your colleague 's physically status is getting worse due to overload of work.
( how you ever thinking to care about your colleague )
(2) she/he need some time to rest and to let their body for recovery.
(3) if the matter is not in urgent( unless sth that she/he promise to finish in prior), please leave her/him some privacy, afterall, her mobile phone is for private use, she/he pays the phone bill not the comapny. Please be considerate and keep on hold the matter until your colleague back to the office...(this case applies to pirvate mobile phone user only).

I agree that being a responsible person is the attitude that we should carry not only in the mature adult world but should start off in childhood. However, Paid Sick leave (with medical certification) -which entitled under the Labour Legistlation, is also the result of a Democratic society that everyone should respect.

Labour Legistlation:

A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance - on sickness allowance

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

before 10:54am

i can write this blog...
which means, i can arrive at my office before 11am...
a little by little, i try going back to the office earlier each day and hopefully to 10am...

my alarm clock started to ring,
alarm clock "stop"; mobile phone "snooze" then "stop"
my jogging plan failed again...

nite after nite,
alarm clock sets at 600am ; mobile phone alarm clock sets at 615am again ...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

stella ' s 老少女戰士#3

Here comes another work from Stella So .
I really appreciate the works of Stella, a highly talented young artist who carries unique observations to the place where she was born and live -- Hong Kong
Wearing her signature "french-styled" cap, with her lomo panorama (mini dv cam) in hand; from the demolition of wan chai old district, restaurants, 7.1 demonstration to wto, she captures "the moment" of Hong Kong and reveals through her illustrations and animations with vivid , distinctive styles.
please visit :

Friday, August 11, 2006

stella ' s 老少女戰士


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Black Coffee


坐在Chez Adel裹,想試聽一聽live french chansons,可是卻來得太早。

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

from blow up to Nokia N93...

Entering into the Photographer's Gallery, so eager to see the Antonioni's Blow-up photo exhibition..but turned out to be a disappointing one...

what 's more surprised me was another small scaled exhibition located at the main entrance." In-Focus" featured around 10-20 digital photographs which were taken by the passengers /amateur with their phone cameras during the "7 july terrorist bombing " in UK.

Although the resolution of the photograph was low and might not be consider as" professional journalist photography " but the impact was very strong cos those photographers were also the survivors of the bomb attack. They were not observing (like what journalist did) but experiencing the event at the same time...i were struck by the terror revealed from the photographs... cos they were so "close" to the event..felt like u were expereincing the same with them...
there are other topics that worth to discuss like "citizen vs professional journalist photography"" the impact of phone camera to photography"... etcetc...
so good to see an inspiring exhibition which is free to public...

as the simply" dial out/ receive call/text msg/alarm clock/calendar"mobile phone user,i dun understand y ppl like to change their mobile phone so often..i will buy a new one until it;s broken and dun think i can utilize the function...
after watching this exh n the mobile ads by gary oldmen( using his mobile phone to make short film),its time to upgrade my knowledge in mobile phone technology...

the photographer' gallery:

short films by mobile phone:,motion

Monday, August 07, 2006

the way of seeing...

dunno why,
the sky was exceptionally beautiful this evening...
capivated by the scene,i stopped in the middle of the footbridge,took out my camera and captured this moment..

" is it because my state of mind changed and so as my way of seeing..?...n everything becomes so beautiful suddenly..."
"conclusion..if i wanna see this beautiful scenary..i should leave the office on time.."

Saturday, August 05, 2006

new beginning

here comes my first blog...finally...
within 30 mins, i have finished my another " before 30's plans "...
before that, this " blog" has been wandering inside my mind for almost monthssss...

"on the road" comes from the book by Jack Kerouac. I dun read a lot , in fact i always claim myself as " illiterate", but this book does inspire me a lot. I dun remember most of the content as i read it ages ago, but what left behind is the energy and the free spirit of the author, the endless verve of searching and exploring.

The process is confusing, tiring without clear direction, but not everybody can be brave enough to take the risk and walk through the "side track" ...
i wish i have that kinda spirit...
to think a little bit further
to see a little bit deeper
to be brave enough to walk a little bit further

i guess this blog will be my own " on the road" experiences...
though this is my road..n i realize things have to be solved out on my own..
i believe without "you" -my friends , i cannot stand alone..

through this blog, i wanna share with you my experiences , as i wanna listen to yours ...

5 aug 06