Monday, September 24, 2007

A song for the windy nite ...

Too windy tonite...and this old tune popped up in mind...a sad song related to wind...

Jimi Hendrix -Wind Cries Mary
After all the jacks are in their boxes and the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
Footprints dressed in red and the wind whispers mary

A broom is drearily sweeping up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping somewhere a king has no wife
And the wind it cries mary

The traffic lights they turn of blue tomorrow
And shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sails downstream cause the life that lived is dead
And the wind screams mary

Will the wind ever remember the names it has blown in the past
And with this crutch its old age and its wisdom
It whispers no this will be the last
And the wind cries mary

Sunday, September 23, 2007

my lower back = the sign of aging

hurt my lower back during the cycling class today ...
it 's my first time to get hurt from sport for the past 10 months..
it just happened suddenly even i had my warm up and stretching ...

it's about time to get a more intensive training for the marathon and i have already hurt my body...
sigh... really cant push it ..
my spirit is still young but my body also reveal the sign of a early 30's female's physical body ... :(

Monday, September 17, 2007

Helen Levitt

收到一封enews,被幾幅以兒童為對象的圖片及chalk graffiti drawing吸引着,google 一番後初步認識了這位年近八十仍十分活躍的女攝影師。

Helen Levitt(1931-)生於 Brooklyn, New York,自學攝影兼教兒童藝術。兒童便成了她拍攝的主要對象。In The Street: chalk drawings and messages, New York City 1938–1948 記錄了三十至四十年代,紐約街頭兒童用粉筆畫graffiti的作品集。其後她的作品集如Crosstown(黑白), Slide Show: The Color Photographs of Helen Levitt (彩色)及 Here and There(黑白)全部以街頭人、景、物為題材。她的作品風格寫實自然,人物不需在鏡頭前擺姿造作。在鏡頭下,一切平凡的事物呈現出一種難以形容的自然及詩意美。
看她的作品令我想起很喜歡的 Cartier Bresson,在網上閱讀一些文章時也發現她的作品常被提及與Bresson 和Walker Evans 共通之處,以下的節錄也許能說明一點:
" Her self-taught education aligned her with Henri Cartier-Bresson and Walker Evans. Cartier-Bresson's work taught her three lessons: a blunt photographic record of ordinary facts could reveal the mystery and fantasy within daily life; that the poetry in such pictures turned its back on conventional value systems and notions of beauty; and that this art, which trafficked in the momentary, was not haphazard."
後記:得知她在1940年拍攝的短片 In the Street,很想看看…

Untitled, New York (spider girl, green car), 1980

Untitled, NYC 1972

Untitled (four girls faces by steps),1939

New York

Photo from Crosstown, 2001

更多精彩的兒童chalk drawing圖片 :

Friday, September 14, 2007


so nice to receive this box of mooncake on the boring Friday!
nice design but not so environmental friendly...:)

Jude Law and the dog

the latest Dunhill menswear billboard was up . It was nice to see the handsome Jude Law face and cool posture.
As the bus passes by the same spot everyday, i feel "uncomfortable" with the billboard...
that's Jude Law just sitting next with the dog... um ... it seems he wanna stay with the dog rather than with human being ...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

time to let it go

haven't been going out for drink on fri nite for a while...
really need a chill out from work ...
this month is pretty intensive...

sadly, my necklace was broken in the middle of the conversation...
i am not the one who fancy in necklace or accessories... but i really like this necklace even though it's not a expensive one ... cant explain...

" it's a sign to indicate u should let it go " ... said my friend ...

i keep thinking abt his word ... what kind of thing that i should let it go in life ... actualy there are a few matters who bother me for some while..guess it's really a time to let it go ...

time to keep yr life simple...