Friday, September 01, 2006

the taste of food 05

the reason for buying this book because i am attracted to the title:
食蛋撻的路線圖 (the route for egg tart) , it satisfied my passion for finding good valuable food.
What surprised me is,this book is not just talking about food (where to find the food or how delicious the food taste ) but also the author's observation on food related to the cultural changes.From local traditional delicacies like egg tart, won ton noodles,Horse cookies (馬仔), local creamy butter cake to weatern zoe's bakery, Fuji Apple vs "snake" apple, traditional Zung (Dragon boat festival)(粽) vs low fat Zung ..etc

This book is a "Morning delights" to read while travelling back to work... it will arouse your appetite of the day!
As most of the food can be found in Wan chai area, it provides me a chance to visit some of places mentioned in the book... these local snacks become my " afternoon delights" & " after work delights" ...
one more thought...if the local tv channel can conduct a more in-depth research on Food & Cutlure issue rather than inviting second-line stars host using same bunch of vocabulary to describe the taste of the food, the food programme will be totally different...


1 comment:

Green Rabbit said...

Awesome - pls lend me after u fini reading, ok?